Parenting is challenging on any given day but during the holidays? Woah. Things can be even more complicated and intense. Whether you travel or host for the holidays, this magical family time can cause a full spectrum of emotions: intense stress, eager anticipation, unsettling chaos, joyful excitement and even heavy-feeling sadness. It can feel complicated but there are also some common threads we’ve come to recognize as parents that help us.
There’s a push and pull between letting go and being firm.
Routines like bedtimes and mealtimes can be the first to get bucked during the holidays. No surprise there will be meltdowns and power struggles (from kids and adults!) Try to take things day by day on this one while aiming for balance. Super busy weekend? Aim for a slow start to the week. That may mean saying no to some things to allow everyone to catch their breath and regroup.
Parenting in front of family/with family can be tricky!
Not breaking news but each of us parents differently. Which is great but also invites disagreements, awkward moments and potential stress. Keep steady, parents. You know your children and what works for you. Feathers may get ruffled and you may get uninvited “advice.” Have a strategy or quick response at the ready can help. Go-to responses might be, “Thanks. I’ll consider that,” or “That is certainly an option.” And sometimes, no response is needed at all. Smile, nod and keep moving if that's what feels best!
Traveling is hard enough but during the holiday it can be brutal. Be prepared!
There’s the adage, “Expect the worst and you’ll never be disappointed.” That kind of sums up traveling during a busy holiday season! If you’ve been parenting for a bit, you know that preparing for the unexpected is a goal that is not always attainable when dealing with kids. Take things in stride and plan for preventative ways to handle YOUR stress so you can manage the in-the-moment needs of your kiddos.
Are you taking care of you?
You are an important part of this holiday season. Whatever that looks like for you, be aware of what is amping up your stress and discomfort. Once you know what it is, can you limit it somehow? Are there ways to add in things that make the season more enjoyable for you?
Put your phone off to the side.
No surprise here. Our phones are energy and attention grabbers. While they are useful and entertaining, sometimes when the pace is harried, unplugging can do WONDERS.
And, despite all of the potential challenges, we still need to show up and parent the best we can. Even though we’ve been parenting for many years, we still find ourselves reaching out to each other and expressing how overwhelmed we feel at this time of year. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach that universally works, there are ways to slow down and consider what will make life a little easier this month. Showing up and trying counts for a lot!