Does this sound familiar? You’ve hit your stride with the summer schedule. Maybe you’ve found ways to relax and enjoy time together in fun ways. You’re outside more, bedtimes are later and mealtimes feel less hectic. And then August hits. You’re still in “summer” but you see the school emails, the sign-up reminders and feeling of a whole new schedule closing in on you. That’s what we call August Overwhelm.
We’ve been at this parenting thing for a while now and we may be finally getting to a good place with August Overwhelm. While this month has its pros and cons, we have been navigating this August experience with varying success. Here’s what we know for sure:
Keep doing your summer things as long as you can. As camps wind down there may be more flexibility to lean into the summer. We tend to keep it simple in August with less dazzling plans that allow us to have fun in the moment with our kids. Think watching a movie, taking a walk, staying up late, getting ice cream on a whim or reading together.
Even if you’re thinking about September, consider how much to talk about it.
We tend to have an ongoing list of things in our mind to get through. In our effort to get things done, we sometimes talk too much with our kids about what’s to come. You know your child - what kind of emotions does talking about school now bring up for them? Some kids relish in the prep time while others feel more worried in anticipation. Trust your gut when talking, making plans or getting through the list.
Take care of yourself this month.
If you love having slower mornings lean into that when you can. August can be the sweet spot of the summer so we try not to rush it away. By slowing down a bit and taking the moments to have the extra coffee, watch a silly video, chat with a friend or get to a task you’ve been eyeing, then do that.
Think back to what you were excited about this summer.
Did you do that? If not, you still have time! Make the plan, save the time and do something on your summer bucket list.